23 March 2010

BP Service Station

Here are a couple of shots from the BP on the corner of University and Blackwell in Durham. The attendant was pretty cool. As I was finishing up fueling my car, he came out and said "Hey man, you a photographer? You need a shot of me?" Hahaha, sweet :-)

Spring Blossoms

I love this tree from the park near Forest Hills in Durham! It just stands out from the rest of the scenery so much.

Downtown Walkabout

Some shots from walking along Ramseur and Chapel Hill Streets. Downtown has some pretty great architecture, more posts coming soon on the rest :-)

Sadly, the South's Greatest Book Store is now for sale.... Although its bizarre "Alphabetical by Publisher" thing is not something I'll miss....
The Durham Station with part of the downtown skyline
Durham StationNC Mutual sign and the fountain/pond

Sping Sprouts

Here's some dill that's growing in our kitchen. The crazy part is that it divided and made this heart shape which I found to be cool in a cheesy sort of way :-)

Closed Shop

So I've been derelict in posting the past couple weeks. Things have been pretty busy and I was out sick for a bit, but here's my attempt to make up for the lack of posts :-)

Here are a couple of shots from University Drive in Durham near where I get my car serviced. These buildings have been closed up for as long as I can remember, but it looks like there's a nice car stored in the back of one of them....